In India, there is a very important place of pattalōṁ from the ancient times. The Saints and temples of the sages and the festival of festivals were incomplete without them. It was a time when sitting in paṅgata at pattalōṁ with tasty food at pattalōṁ, it would match the food with food.
In The Southern States, the tradition of the feast was called in the north and central India. It was made by the thin thin siliyōṁ of year, jackfruit or palash. In our area, the wide of palash are used by the hands of palash, which used to be used by the hands of palash.
The Paṅgata of palash was not only interested in the of the palash, but the hot food was considered as well as cooker for abdomen diseases.
The people used to create an additional employment and used to be used in ghuṛē with dung dung and straw, and this type of environment was a friend of the environment. .
Then the machine came round. As well as the doane, he made a better shape in the village, so he made the traditional pattalōṁ to be in the village. Millions of people deprived from a domestic cottage industry. A few days after the plastic revolution and both of them took place of plastic. Its better quality, durability, easily and apēkṣakr̥ta low price made from hand to the pattalōṁ and both of them.
Indian pattalēṁ only became the only memorable of the past.
But in a few times, the western world has felt very much intensity of the western world, and he began to find the alternative to the plastic of plates plates. The plastics are highly harmful to the health of health and environment. He was reminded of the traditional knowledge of India. Indian pattala he was the best alternative.
Then, the custom of serving food on the pattalōṁ of Europe and.
In This, Germany's company leaf democracy and Leaf Republic Lēvērējēsa. These companies are the biggest player of Indian Pattalōṁ, which is in their own global stake, and for it, he's from the orissa of orissa and imports of orissa of orissa. Mince performed in November 2016
According to the company of the company, the tribal of Orissa, sambhalapura and insisted districts of the orissa of 3500 women have been provided for 3500 women. They have to supply these companies with the pores of the pores of the pores, and a small entrepreneur as well as a small entrepreneur.
Earlier these females were barely in local markets, mahua, mahua, mahua and siyālī, and now he has been available at home. 70 per cent of the tribal districts are salagna in this task. Even though most illiterate these ladies are still getting their hard work and company 8.50 pound or nearly 711 per plate at the European market but it's the mist of the years The Clear light is the spotlight of the light.
The worthwhile initiative to protect their environment from Europe, hope my countrymen will also make a few lessons and the plastic plates will always feel the fragrance of their own -.
Siyālī is called mālū in North India and in our balaghat, it is called a māhula leaf.
I miss pattalēṁ pattalēṁ of my childhood, and I hope that the phenotypeswhite of-will be the important role of our paṅgata.

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